After Care

Thank you for choosing Fill and Freeze

  • Lip & Dermal 'Fillers'

    • Avoid activities that cause excessive perspiration such as, the gym, saunas etc for 48 hours as you risk sweating the Dermal Filler out.
    • Avoid any form of makeup, Facial or Spa treatment as again this may cause the Dermal Filler to spread causing adverse effects.
  • Anti-wrinkle & Advanced Anti-wrinkle 'Freeze' Injections

    • No rubbing or massaging of the injected area for 4 hours after treatment, including facials.
    • No strenuous exercise for 24 hours after treatment.
      Keep upright for 4 hours, do not bend excessively.
    • Avoid head wear that is tightly fitted across the forehead.
    • Avoid excessive alcohol or medically necessary blood thinning medication before the treatment to prevent bruising.
    • For at least 4 hours after treatment :  No sunbeds, no gym
    • For 12 hours: Avoid extreme facial expressions: avoid alcohol, avoid makeup
    • For 2 days after treatment: Do not massage the treated area, After washing pat skin gentle with a soft towel
    • For 2 weeks: Avoid exposure to the sun, very cold temperatures and saunas, Do not have any beauty treatments on your face.